Sunday, January 27, 2008

Web-Based Portfolio Options

Here are some of the options for Electronic Portfolio web-based systems:

LiveText -

Taskstream -

ePortfolio consortium - (Good group of universities using open source)

Chalk and Wire - - (SOE PhD and counseling programs are using- $99 for 4 years)

Foliotek - (This is the portfolio system that works with eCollege/eCompanion). Foliotek I did attend a Foliotek workshop at the last eCollege CITE conference in Denver. If we actually selected eCompanion for our hybrids - this would be the way to go! This is also great for other accreditation assessments to be shared (WASC, CCTC).

Keep Toolkit - KEEP Toolkit Here's another site to check out - KEEP -! It's out of San Francisco State and it involves a number of different departments. KEEP was developed by the Carnegie Institute Knowledge Media Laboratory. Check out the Gallery of Teaching and Learning and the Teaching and Learning Commons

I also have my own system - TeachPort for my Chapman students - (login - guest, password - guest - or create an account with california as the administrative code). My son did the php programming and I've had some excellent Chapman student EPs - particularly from the level II extended ed class I teach.

Epsilen - Academic Facebook

Check out Epsilen - This site is referred to as an "academic facebook." Here's the history and description - It was originally developed out of Purdue. Epsilen allows you to create a free portfolio - as long as you have .edu in your email address. Universites can also buy accounts - but there are some great tools in this freebie program! This is basically the same concept and type of database programming I attempted to do with my TeachPort and ClipBoard. However, this has the $$ behind it!

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